Our Team

Brian D. Corneil, PhD
Principal Investigator

Dr. Sebastian Lehmann
Research Scientist
Projects: Neurophysiology, Non-invasive brain stimulation

Dakota Smith, RVT
RVT, Lab Manager

Madeline Gilchrist
PhD Student in Psychology
Project: Fast visuomotor responses in Parkinson's Disease
Co-supervisors: Dr. MacDonald, Dr. Khan

Sarah Kearsley
PhD Student in Neuroscience
Project: Modelling temporal interference stimulation
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Muller

David Mekhaiel
PhD Student in Neuroscience
Project: Face processing in rapid visuomotor responses
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Goodale

Amirhossein Asadian
MSc Student in Neuroscience
Project: The Neurophysiology of rapid visually-guided reaches

Lucas Billen
PhD student, UMC, Nijmegen, NL
Project: Rapid Stepping and Postural responses in health and disease
Primary supervisor: Dr. V. Weerdesteyn

Aish Pathak
PhD Student in Neuroscience
Project: Acquiring and analyzing cortical spatio-temporal patterns during sleep
Primary Supervisor: Dr. Muller
Ongoing Collaborations
Dr. Mel Goodale, Western University
Dr. Jonathan Lau, Western University
Dr. Penny MacDonald, Western University
Dr. Lyle Muller, Western University
Dr. Andrew Pruszynski, Western University
Dr. Tim Carroll, University of Queensland
Dr. Sam Contemori, University of Queensland
Dr. Sharon Cushing, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Dr. Rechu Divakar, University of Queensland
Dr. Jerry Loeb, University of Southern California
Dr. Pieter Medendorp, Donders Center for Cognition
Dr. Esra Neufeld, IT'IS Foundation
Dr. Luc Selen, Donders Center for Cognition
Dr. Mary Donahue, Linkoping University, Sweden
Dr. Vivian Weerdesteyn, Radboud UMC
Dr. Guy Wallis, University of Queensland
Dr. Adam Williamson, St. Anne's University Hospital Brno
Visiting Graduate Students
Puk Nuijten, University of Amsterdam
Boris Botzanowski, Aix-Marseille Université
Emma Acerbo, Aix-Marseille Université
Philipp Kreyenmeier, Munich/UBC
Jeroen Atsma, Donders Center for Cognition, Nijmegen
Sonal Sengupta, Donders Center for Cognition, Nijmegen
Leor Katz, University of Texas at Austin
Kate Rath-Wilson, McGill
Verena Buchholz, Donders Center for Cognition, Nijmegen
Corneil Lab Alumni
Brendan Chapman, MSc 2004-2006, PhD 2006-2011
Jim Elsley, MSc, 2005-2007
Sam Rezvani, MSc, 2005-2007
Benjamin Nagy, MSc, 2005-2008
Scott Stevenson, MSc, 2007-2009
Michael Pace, MSc, 2008-2010
Samanthi Goonetilleke, PDF, 2007-2011
Tyler Peel, PhD, 2009-2016, PDF 2017-2018
Todd Stevens, PDF, 2012-2013
Suryadeep Dash, PDF, 2013-2018
Sebastian Lehmann, PDF, 2013-2018
Aaron Cecala, PDF, 2018-2022
Rebecca Kozak, PhD, 2016-2023
4th Year Undergrad Thesis Students and Summer Students
Swapnil Nandy
Devorah Dolman
Dominic Ghantous
Alexandra De Sequeira
Adham Saad
Sarah Kearsley
Zainab Mohamed
Hannah Snyder
Abdelwahab Ahmed
Alice Ko
Patrick Park
Douaa Mostafa
Tanya Shoot
David Park
Isaac Kim
Josh Cheng
Jeffrey Wong
Dragana Cvetkovic
Joey Lombardi
Hanin Abdullah
Mike Pace
Scott Stevenson
Stephanie Hyder
Stephen Wegener
Jim Elsley
Shane Gonsalves